Emilia Vargas
Our main objective is to provide an independent auditor´s opinion, with the purpose of promoting credibility in the financial statements.
The audit service may go further by providing value, by integrating the audit of financial statements with other quality professional services.
At BDO Costa Rica, we are constantly concerned on aiding our clients and our people in achieving excellence. That is why, we use a combination of both strong technical knowledge with high technologies for the development of our audits.
Our audit techniques incorporate the stages of the audit process which include tools for evaluation, analysis, documentation, administration, review, communication and filing of audit risks, as well as, electronic documentation of working papers and client databases.
Our auditing technology processes, allow us to efficiently and effectively conduct our work, and provide us with a quick and flexible file integration capability to handle any information in the databases.
Thus, we reduce our costs of analysis, by adding quality to the work, satisfying the new professional requirements related to internal control and the withholding of risk situations.
By using these technology processes we are able to read, view, analyze, store, manage, sample or extract data from files from multiple sources – from a mainframe to a PC.
In addition, we have technical consultation tools (IFRS, ISA, FAS, SAS, etc.) which allow our professionals to perform consistent and high quality audits anywhere in the world.